Copyright 2005

Milling Time Calculator

These calculators are  for reference. JanProducts gives no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any information, formulae or calculations provided through the use of these calculators and does not accept any liability for loss or damage of whatsoever nature, which may be attributable to the reliance on and use of these calculators.


Units are in inches
Enter width(x), length(y), total depth, depth increment,
cutter diameter,feed rate,and step over as % of cutter

Total depth
Increment depth
Cutter diameter
Feed rate in IPM
Step over (% of cutter).65 is default
Answer: Minutes

Milling Time Calculator

This will compute the time an end mill to take to remove material based on feedrate,area, depth, cutter diameter, and depth increment.

This is used for pocket milling and face milling. Use the other calculators on this web site to calculate the feed rate.

The reason for the .65 default step over is that this is percentage of cutter that will not leave "posts" at direction change when zig zag milling.

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